Monday, August 20, 2012

What do you want to be when you grow up?

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"  This seems like a question that most parents ask kids to get amusement from them. I like most parents do the same.  I posed this question to my children this weekend. 

Jaxon was very quick to answer "A Firefighter".  He is right into superheros, so I thought this must be the reason however when I asked him "why?" he responded "Because I want to have the mask that firefighters have", OK then I stand corrected.  He continued to explain that he used to want to be a police man but doesn't any more because "sometimes, when you don't get the bad guy, he comes back at you and stabs you in the face", horrified I asked him where he heard such a silly thing, "the police man at day care" was his response.  What kind of visit was this from the police force?  I don't ever remember them being so vulgar!

What do you want to be when you grow up?  Its a funny question, for many its a look into the future, for my little Ben its a look into the "near future".  We have been trying to talk to him about being a ring bearer in my brothers wedding next fall.  So when I asked Benjamin what he wanted to be when he grew up his answer was "A ring bearer", rather shocked I asked, "Why a ring bearer?"  Looking at me as if it was the most stupid question ever he responded "Because I am one", finding this rather amusing I further asked "what exactly does a ring bearer do?"  Benjamin again almost rolled my eyes at me and said "he carries the rings and ROARS the whole time he does it", look out Uncle Owen and Auntie Jaime could be an interesting wedding!

Kids say the funniest things!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Can we watch another show Mommy?

I guess since this is my "first blog" (PS look at me I am a blogger), I better explain what "theme" if you can expect to see in this blog.  I am going to attempt to chronicle some of the "priceless" moments that I am given as a mommy and wife to "the Hudie Boys".

Buckle up, here we go!

Tonight my 3 boys (my husband Jay, and my sons Jaxon, 5 1/2 years, and Benjamin 3 years) were watching Spider man in the basement while Mommy fuelled her Pinterest addiction.  Its a Friday night so we planned on letting the little men stay up a bit later in hopes they will sleep in (wishful thinking I am sure).  After the first episode was over Benjamin was sent upstairs to ask Mommy "Can we watch another show?"  I looked at the time and realizing it was already 8:30PM (and an hour past their bedtime), I responded to Ben "Sorry Honey, its Night Night Time".  He went downstairs, presumably to tell the others this message, and I went to his room to grab a diaper.  After sitting alone in his room for about 5 minutes I decided to investigate where the little monster could possibly be.  Well, there they are, all 3 of my boys snuggled up on the futon watching their beloved Spider man.  "I guess he didn't pass along my message" I say to my husband, who now has a shocked look on his face, "Ben said that you said "yup"".  Apparently I cannot trust my 3 year old to pass along an accurate message (shocking haha).  Since they all looked so darn cute cuddled up on the couch I caved and said that they could finish watching that show but that was it!

The boys sure know how to play Mommy!